
I wonder if there is a way to get a resourceId with name that matches a regular expression in another subscription. The reason is that during deployment a random postfix is generated and appended to resource name, so resource name is not known beforehand. I know the resourceId() function could give you the resource Id if the resource name is known.

When using resourceId(), is the resource being deployed as part of the same template, or has it already been deployed beforehand as a completely separate deployment?jarrad_obrien
The resources have been deployed through a separate deployment in a different resource group. @jarrad_obrienYituo
How come the names of the existing resources can't be used as parameters in the new template?jarrad_obrien
Its because the resource name are generated during deployment, and not known beforehand. I think there are ways to get around the question I asked, its just not as clean. @jarrar_obrienYituo
I mean that in the second template, how come you can't create a parameter such as namesOfExistingResources and populate it with the existing resources? e.g. namesOfExistingResources: ['myResource2834', 'myResource7482']jarrad_obrien

1 Answers


You can achieve this by using the output of the previous template as input to the new template:

Azure ARM templates - using the output of other deployments

Here is how to achieve this in Azure DevOps:

How do I use ARM 'outputs' values another release task?