I'm struggling with this setup for 3 days now, most certainly I'm doing something wrong, but from all the docs that I read I have no clue what to is the correct way.
My goal is quite simple. I have a docker image in which I have a rest api that is served on 9090 port. I would like to have access to it over https, the port doesn't matter, best would be to use 443 (default https port) but this is not mandatory.
What I did so far: Setup an instance-group with instance-template that uses docker image published on Google Container Registry. This instance-group is behind an HTTPS Load Balancer. I have tried a number of different configuration options of the LB to enable access to my instance. With instanced created from templates I no longer can setup custom firewall configurations associated with instances, in such way I was able to make a connection to a single VM over HTTP.
Guys, can you help in any way ?
--30.09.2019--------- Configuration Update:
I have engine group setup with named ports: http: 9090 https: 9090
the template is set with both http & https network allowed, but I don't have the possibility to add any rule that would enable 9090 over http or https, or that does not matter?
No the Load Balancer: Frontend: I have two endpoints: 80 for http and 443 for https. The backend uses the named port http(which should point to 9090).
verified state
. I have now the backend lb and named port pointing to port 9090 thro http protocol. I have set the template to expose only port 9090. Still the only question is if I need to enforce some firewall rull on the vm instance to open the 9090 port or it is ok if I have it in the default netowork ? – Sniady