Reading the documentation, a Spark DataType BigDecimal(precision, scale) means that
- Precision is total number of digits and
- Scale is the number of digits after the decimal point.
So when I cast a value to decimal
scala> val sss = """select cast(1.7142857343 as decimal(9,8))"""
scala> spark.sql(sss).show
|CAST(1.7142857343 AS DECIMAL(9,8))|
| 1.71428573| // It has 8 decimal digits
But when I cast values above 10.0, I get NULL
scala> val sss = """select cast(12.345678901 as decimal(9,8))"""
scala> spark.sql(sss).show
|CAST(11.714 AS DECIMAL(9,8))|
| null|
I would expect the result would be 12.3456789,
- Why is it NULL?
- Why is it that Precision is not being implemented?