
I have a sample application created in NestJs which does not have a single controller. I have created global exception filter and injected it via app module like:

providers: [
            provide: APP_FILTER,
            useClass: CustomExceptionFilter,

When any service method called and exception occurs, call is not coming in my custom exception filter. Note that I have not a single controller in my application. There are modules and services only.

Also I have tried registering my custom filter in main.ts which is not working:

app.useGlobalFilters(new CustomExceptionFilter());

I want to handle exceptions of all type using global exception filter only. Any help is appreciated.


1 Answers


The global aproach is ok you only need to put an empty catch decorator at the beggining of the class and it will catch all the errors

export class CustomExceptionsFilter implements ExceptionFilter {
  catch(exception: unknown, host: ArgumentsHost) {