
I have a bit of a problem using Microsoft.Azure.Cosmos version 3.2.0,

upon running

await this.Container.CreateItemAsync<LogEntity>(logEntity, new PartitionKey("anythingIPutHere"));

it throws

Microsoft.Azure.Cosmos.CosmosException HResult=0x80131500
Message=Response status code does not indicate success: 400 Substatus: 1001 Reason: (Message: {"Errors":["PartitionKey extracted from document doesn't match the one specified in the header"]}

but if I put,

await this.Container.CreateItemAsync<LogEntity>(logEntity, new PartitionKey(logEntity.Id));

it works and it is the only case when it works.

I have also tried

  • Putting the value for the partition key as a property in the object;
  • Even specifying a partitionKey JSON property name but no success;

I looked over some guides on the Microsoft site and it seems you can specify the partition key to be some string, not necessary to be the id or specified with a property name on the object; so why is this happening?

you can specify any field from your JSON document to be partition key not necessarily "id". Partition Key specified while creating the container should be the key value that is passed while creating item. In your case Id is the partition key that was specified while creating container hence it worked when you passed the "id" . Also note - While creating partition key create it in "camelCase" format. e.g. you can specify "pinCode" as partition keyVarun Nair

1 Answers


I've overlooked that when I have created the container

this.Container = await this.Database.CreateContainerIfNotExistsAsync("testContainer", "/id");

I have specified partitionKeyPath as beeing the /id.

It also seems that the partition key must reside on the object and must have a json property of partitionKeyPath property name without / like:

[JsonProperty(PropertyName = "partition")]
public string Partition { get; set; }

if partitionKeyPath is /partition

this.Container = await this.Database.CreateContainerIfNotExistsAsync("testContainer", "/partition");

Sorry if this is obvious, I have just started playing around with CosmoDb.