
SO we have a Ubuntu Virtual Machine on Azure and a Linux App Service, what we want is to integrate both of them throught the port 8983 is there any way of doing this? Maybe trying to get them both on the same vnet?

Thanks for the help!


2 Answers


Depends what you mean by integrate, from the port number I'm guessing you want your App to talk to Solr running on the VM?

Either way you will probably want them on the same VNet for security, otherwise you'll have to create a lot of firewall rules on your VM to cater for for all possible external IP addresses your App Service could have.

A VNet will have been created for your VM and you should be able to add the App Service to that through the Portal, also bear in mind you have to be on a Standard or high App Service plan to enable VNet integration.

See here for more info - https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/azure/app-service/web-sites-integrate-with-vnet


You will need to ensure that port 8983 is listed in WEBSITES_PORT under Application Settings for your web app.
