
I want to check if elements of list L1 occur consecutively, and in the same order, in list L2.

For example - check([b,c],[a,b,c,d]) must return true while check([b,d],[a,b,c,d]) must return false

I looked at similar posts Prolog - first list is sublist of second list? and also tried out similar solutions but whenever i try to check if elements are present, i am unable to check if ordering is consecutive

check( [], _ ).
check( [X|XS], [X|XSS] ) :- sublist( XS, XSS ).
check( [X|XS], [_|XSS] ) :- sublist( [X|XS], XSS ).

and if i try to check if ordering is correct then my code is breaking.

check( [], _ ).
check( [X|XS], [X|XSS] ) :- sublist( XS, XSS ).

3 Answers


Interesting problem! I'm surprised at how much code it took, so there may be a better solution than this.

First we need a helper to insist that a list is a prefix of another list. The base case is that we ran out of a prefix list; the inductive case is that the current items match and the remainder of both lists is a prefix match.

prefix([X|Xs], [X|Ys]) :- prefix(Xs, Ys).
prefix([], _).

Now finding a consecutive sublist amounts to searching down a list for prefix matches. If the current items match, then having a prefix is a match:

consecutive_sublist([X|Xs], [X|Ys]) :- prefix(Xs, Ys).

Otherwise, we just discard this element of the search target and try again on the sublist:

consecutive_sublist(Prefix, [_|Ys]) :- consecutive_sublist(Prefix, Ys).

We can make use of append/2 [swi-doc] to write this with a one-liner:

subsequence(X, Y) :-
    append([_,X,_], Y).

or we can implement a subsequence/4 that will unify two variables Prefix and Suffix with the list before and after the subsequence:

subsequence(X, Y, Prefix, Suffix) :-
    append([Prefix,X,Suffix], Y).

Here we thus have two don't care variables that will collect the prefix and suffix before and after the subsequence.


An alternative solution using the de facto standard definition of the append/3 predicate:

check(SubList, List) :-
    append(Prefix, _, List),
    append(_, SubList, Prefix).

Sample calls:

| ?- check([b,d],[a,b,c,d]).


| ?- check([b,c],[a,b,c,d]).

true ? ;

| ?- check([b,c],[a,b,c,d,b,c,f]).

true ? ;
true ? ;

We can also use this definition to generate sublist-list pairs:

| ?- check(SubList, List).

SubList = [] ? ;

List = [A|_]
SubList = [A] ? ;

List = [_|_]
SubList = [] ? ;

List = [A,B|_]
SubList = [A,B] ? ;

List = [_,A|_]
SubList = [A] ? ;

List = [_,_|_]
SubList = [] ? ;

List = [A,B,C|_]
SubList = [A,B,C] ? ;

List = [_,A,B|_]
SubList = [A,B] ? ;


This problem also gives you the opportunity to learn about termination properties of predicates. As an experiment, exchange the order of the append/3 calls and then check what happens on backtracking for e.g. the two first sample calls.