I am trying to send push notifications to a user at a scheduled time. Say they set the date for an event and they want to be notified 30 minutes before, that is when I would like to send them a notification. I am using firebase as my backend and the project is built with expo.
I am curious how I would use expo's notification system if I am using firebase cloud messaging because it says I need separate permission from firebase (I already have the expo token for each user). I have looked into node cron/schedule and also react-native push notification but I am unsure which would be the best solution and where I would deploy the solution (such as running a cloud function).
I assume I need some type of function that takes the token, message body, title, and date and then sets it up to schedule it either to the server or locally. And then that function would be called when they press the button to receive the notification. They can also change the date of the event so it would need to switch the date if the user did that.
Any advice would be greatly appreciated as I have been researching this for days and still am unsure of the best approach.