
In My react component, My UI loads perfectly but there is console error which i wanted to fix error says - 'Each child in a list should have a unique "key" prop' for below code. Guide me how I can pass keys to detailsContent

render() {
    const header = (
        <div className={css.deviceDetailsBody}>
            <div className="sidebar__header">
                <div className="sidebar__title">
                        <div className={"sidebar__subtitle"}>
                            <div className="toolsBar">
                                <div className="toolsBarlet">
                                    <div className="toolsItemNarrow">{deviceTypeView}</div>
                                    <div className="toolsItemNarrow">{managementIpAddress}</div>
    const horizontalLine = <div className="sidebar__horiz_line" />;
    const body = (
        <div className="body">

    const detailsContent = [header, horizontalLine, body].map(
        currentComponent => currentComponent

    return (
            {sideBarShow && (
                <Sidebar {...sidebarProps}>

Added the header, body code for more clarity.

I never used map like this before but Change like this see if works? const detailsContent = [header, horizontalLine, body].map( currentComponent => <div key={currentcomponent}>currentComponent</div> );behzad
Its unlikely to work,just saying an ideabehzad

2 Answers


Each child in a list should have a unique "key" prop

If using Components and not plain jsx elements, simply add a key prop to the currentComponent jsx. Note for simplicity I just used index as key.

const detailsContent = [header, horizontalLine, body].map(
  (CurrentComponent, index) => (<CurrentComponent key={index} />)

See CodeSandbox

Using elements, please refer to the accepted answer.


You can use React.cloneElement to add keys

const detailsContent = [header, line, body].map(
  (element, index) => React.cloneElement(element, {key: index})