
I'm using BCP and python to import a .CSV file into a SQL Server table. The .CSV file has a column containing date time data and my table also has a corresponding datetime2 column. The problem is that the date in the .CSV file is of format:


which throws an error while running BCP command. My BCP command looks like this:

bcp mydb.dbo.mytable in {0} -R -e errorfile -c -S mysqlserver.com -U myuser -P 'mypassword'

and the error is:

Invalid character value for cast specification @# 2017-01-13T06:02:14Z

If I change the date in my .CSV file to '2017-01-13 12:33:49', BCP works fine. The error is because BCP tool uses ODBC bulk copy API. Therefore, to import date values into SQL Server, bcp uses the ODBC date format (yyyy-mm-dd hh:mm:ss[.f...]).

What is the way around to fix this issue?

Is there way out to change the date format inside of CSV file itself from 2017-01-13T06:02:14Z to yyyy-mm-dd hh:mm:ss?

any chance you could use SSIS instead of bcp?ADyson
No. I have not used SSIS before. I'm using python and calling subprocess to execute my BCP command.Haris Muzaffar
Not having used it before doesn't mean you can't start to use it. It can assist you with the transformation of data in a way that bcp cannotADyson

1 Answers


One option would be to import to a staging table as a varchar. Once in a staging table you can do a straight cast to datetime2 and populate mytable