
By default after login django redirects the user to an accounts/profile page or if you edit the LOGIN_REDIRECT_URL you can send the user to another page you specify in the settings.py. I want my users to, after logged in, not be able to go to the login page but instead be redirected to the LOGIN_REDIRECT_URL automatically. Is there a way of doing it using the default login view? Any input is appreciated.

you can check if request.user.is_authenticated in your login view and redirectGoran
You can check like comment above by using Middleware in djangoToan Quoc Ho

1 Answers


You can use redirect_authenticated_user in LoginView to achieve that, reference here.

You can use it by customize your own LoginView or simply just override the property on the fly in the urlpatterns like so:

urlpatterns = [
    path('accounts/login/', auth_views.LoginView.as_view(template_name='myapp/login.html', redirect_authenticated_user=True)),

Hope that helps!