I faced the same issue and came up with a solution.
You can use Jenkins pipeline currentBuild variable, more about its properties - open page jenkins-server-url/jenkins/pipeline-syntax/globals on your Jenkins server
String currentJobParentFolderName = currentBuild.fullProjectName.split('/')[0]
String currentJobName = currentBuild.projectName
String paramValue = getParamValue(currentJobName)
buildDiscarder(logRotator(daysToKeepStr: '10')),
[$class: 'CascadeChoiceParameter',
name: 'PARAM',
choiceType: 'PT_SINGLE_SELECT',
description: 'param1',
filterLength: 1,
filterable: false,
randomName: 'choice-parameter-99999999999',
script: [
$class: 'GroovyScript',
fallbackScript: [
classpath: [],
sandbox: false,
'return ["Failed to get values"]'
script: [
classpath: [],
sandbox: false,
"""return ['$paramValue']"""
timestamps {
job's main logic
private static def getParamValue(String jobName) {
Map paramValMapping = [
'jobName1': 'value1',
'jobName2': 'value2',
String paramValue = paramValMapping.get(jobName)
if (!paramValue) {
throw new Exception("Failed to get value")
return paramValue
currentBuild.fullProjectName - job name including upper level folders (I needed exactly this)
currentBuild.projectName - just a job name
Unfortunately I didn't manage to place all this logic inside of CascadeChoiceParameter script section.
Also I needed only one value, but this approach can be used for a list of values as well, just don't forget about quotes for string values.
Pay attention that such script changes may require script approve from Jenkins admin in jenkins/scriptApproval for EACH incoming value paramValue