
I have installed svn (Subversion) on one Ubuntu machine. Its locally working fine. I want to access this svn repository from another Ubuntu machine. Could anybody explain how to access svn repository from other client Ubuntu machines. Note: Both the systems are in the same LAN.

EDIT (taken from answer added by OP) Julien and jazzbassrob..thnks for your ans..

@jazzbassrob: I tried with the "svn co .." command on the client machine, but i got ..

root@xyz:~# svn co svn://ipaddress/usr/local/svn/repos/test 
svn: /root/.subversion/config:16: Option expected

do we need to install svn on client side too..plz help

When updated with information, please edit the original question, rather than posting an answer.forsvarir

2 Answers


you will need to configure a http access to your repository, check this tutorial, it describes the way to install and configure the server (subversion and apache configuration)


You simply use an SVN URL which uses the name or IP address of your server. For example:

svn co svn://my-machine/path/to/svn/repos/project/trunk

The name of your machine is the bit after the '@' when you open a terminal. Or, you can find the IP address of the machine by typing ifconfig. For example, my IP address is

wlan0     Link encap:Ethernet  HWaddr --:--:--:--:--:--
          inet addr:  Bcast:  Mask:

As a further note, if you want to use a secure connection (i.e. svn+ssh://) you will need to configure an SSH server first.