I'm not used to Vue components. My second problem is, I wanted to pass data from laravel blade, to vuejs component in the right way. Because what I did is I store it to props, then pass the props into the data property, like this:
//ticket blade
<ticket-create :menu-categories-prop="{{ json_encode($menuCategories) }}"></ticket-create>
//ticket component
export default {
props: ['menuCategoriesProp'],
this.menuCategories = this.menuCategoriesProp;
data() {
return {
menuCategories: [],
now I have menuCategoriesProp and menuCategories data, which is kinda redundant. Am I doing it wrong?
<ticket-create />
then its best to store it in data, otherwise, you should be fine with just using the prop alone. vuejs.org/v2/guide/components-props.html#One-Way-Data-Flow – GBWDev