
in elasticsearch,I have a date field setup in my mapping like this:

"create_time" : {
 "type" : "date",
 "null_value" : "NULL"

i use pandas to process my data,it like this:

0       NULL
1       2019-09-23 14:32:32.217377

and in python i use bulk API,the method is:

def gendata(data, index):
    INDEX = index
    TYPE = "doc"
    for record in data:
        yield {
            "_index": INDEX,
            "_type": TYPE,
            "_source": record,

but i get BulkIndexError:('1 document(s) failed to index.', [{'index': {'_index': 'ics_asset', '_type': 'doc', '_id': '85vaXG0Be27aFy3eNkCZ', 'status': 400, 'error': {'type': 'illegal_argument_exception', 'reason': 'mapper [create_date] of different type, current_type [date], merged_type [text]'}, 'data': {'create_date': 'null'}}}]).

how can i use pandas bulk right "null" value with date format to elasticsearch.



1 Answers


The documentation about null_value clearly states:

The null_value needs to be the same datatype as the field. For instance, a long field cannot have a string null_value.

This means you cannot assign the string NULL as null_value for a date field.

This null_value is only useful if you want to explicitly query documents with no value for a particular field. Maybe you can assign a date like 1900-01-01 so that you can query them with that particular date.

Otherwise, you can drop the null_value option and you'll be perfectly able to index documents with a regular null value. The only downside is that you won't be able to retrieve documents by null create date.