I have a situation where I want a TwiML VoiceResponse to call another endpoint which returns a MessagingResponse. However, I am getting an XML Validation warning
for the MessagingResponse because of what I suspect is a mismatch in the inbound type (a call) and the outbound type (an SMS).
Please note that there is a requirement that I cannot use the Twilio client as suggested here https://support.twilio.com/hc/en-us/articles/360017437774-Combining-Voice-SMS-and-Fax-TwiML-in-the-Same-Response. I would like to achieve this with pure TwiML.
I have a call webhook set up on my Twilio phone number which hits a POST /call
endpoint on my NodeJS server. The endpoint responds with TwiML which plays a tone and calls a redirect to another endpoint on my server.
TwiML returned:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<Play digits="www9"/>
<Redirect method="POST">[url-omitted]/notify</Redirect>
Then, on the same server I have a second POST /notify
endpoint which let's say, for simplicity, sends an SMS to a specific number.
TwiML returned from redirect endpoint:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<Message to="+11234567890">Hello world!</Message>
Expected Result
The expected result is that when I call the Twilio number from my cellphone, I hear the "9" tone and then receive a text message with "Hello world!".
Actual Result
I only hear the "9" tone and never receive a text message.
When I look in the Twilio console, I can see that a call was made to the POST /notify
endpoint, and it responded with the expected TwiML, but it has a 12200 - Schema validation warning
Msg "XML Validation warning"
line "2"
parserMessage " Invalid content was found starting with element 'Message'. One of '{Play"
ErrorCode "12200"
cols "32"
LogLevel "WARN"
url "https://handler.twilio.com/twiml/[id-omitted]"
As noted, I suspect the above error message is because this all originated from a call and not an SMS.