I have a manufacturer schema in mongoose with some data stored in mongo. My goal is to be able to edit a manufacturer's name via a form. But I get the following error when changing the name and clicking submit.
Manufacturer validation failed: _id: Cast to String failed for value "[ 'example', 'example edited' ]" at path "_id"
I understand that there is some sort of conflict with _id, as it is automatically created by mongo. But in this case I am required to use _id for the object name.
Here is my mongoose schema
var manufacturerSchema = mongoose.Schema({
// The _id property serves as the primary key. If you don't include it
// the it is added automatically. However, you can add it in if you
// want to manually include it when creating an object.
// _id property is created by default when data is inserted.
_id: {"type" : String},
mfgDiscount: {"type" : Number}
{ // Include this to eliminate the __v attribute which otherwise gets added
// by default.
versionKey: false
Here is the update
async update(editedObj) {
// Load the corresponding object in the database.
let manufacturerObj = await this.getManufacturer(editedObj.id);
// Check if manufacturer exists.
if(manufacturerObj) {
// Manufacturer exists so update it.
let updated = await Manufacturer.updateOne(
// Set new attribute values here.
{$set: { _id: editedObj._id }});
// No errors during update.
if(updated.nModified!=0) {
response.obj = editedObj;
return response;
Update function
// Receives posted data that is used to update the item.
exports.Update = async function(request, response) {
let manufacturerID = request.body._id;
console.log("The posted manufacturer id is: " + manufacturerID);
// Parcel up data in a 'Manufacturer' object.
let tempManufacturerObj = new Manufacturer( {
_id: manufacturerID,
id: request.body._id,
// Call update() function in repository with the object.
let responseObject = await _manufacturerRepo.update(tempManufacturerObj);
// Update was successful. Show detail page with updated object.
if(responseObject.errorMessage == "") {
response.render('Manufacturer/Detail', { manufacturer:responseObject.obj,
errorMessage:"" });
// Update not successful. Show edit form again.
else {
response.render('Manufacturer/Edit', {
manufacturer: responseObject.obj,
errorMessage: responseObject.errorMessage });
and here is the form
<% layout('../layouts/mainlayout.ejs') -%>
<form action="/Manufacturer/Update" method="POST">
<input type='hidden' name="_id" value= <%= manufacturer._id %> /> <br/>
<input type='text' name="_id"
value="<%= manufacturer._id ? manufacturer._id : '' %>" /><br/>
<input type="submit" value="Submit">
<%= errorMessage %>