I was trying to set Label and Relationship as a variable in cypher query, because I don't want to list all the label one by one and create cypher queries for all of them.
This is what I did:
class Neo4jClient(object):
def __init__(self, uri, user, password):
self._driver = GraphDatabase.driver(uri, auth=basic_auth(user, password))
def close(self):
def merge_nodes_relationships(self, anchor_data):
event = anchor_data.event
anchor = anchor_data.anchor
for k, v in anchor.items():
relation = session.write_transaction(self.create_event_anchor_relation, event, k, v)
def create_event_anchor_relation(tx, event, anchorkey, anchorvalue):
result = tx.run("MATCH(e: Event {id : $eventid}), (a: $Anchor {id:$anchorvalue)"
"RETURN r", eventid=event['id'], Anchor=anchorkey, anchorvalue=anchorvalue, RelationShip='EVENT_' + anchorkey
return result.single()[0]
But Error thrown saying
Invalid input '$': expected whitespace or a label name (line 1, column 10 (offset: 9))\n\"MERGE (a:$Anchor {id : $id})\"\n
So how should I fix this? if parameterized Label or Relationship is not supported, what is the best practice to handle the case when coming to many Labels with same properties but need different label name.