
We have 3 load balancers on GCP: Dev, Staging and Production.

Our SSL certificate expired, so it was time to replace it. I went to:

Network services > Load balancing > Load balancers > Edit > Frontend configuration

and added new certificate. It worked perfectly for Staging and Production.

Dev was working for 5-10 minutes, and after that old certificate was re-applied automatically. I decided to delete the old certificate (if it is not there, it cannot be applied). It worked for 10 minutes and miraculously GCP restored deleted certificate and re-applied it to Dev.

Tried it a few times with the same result.

Is this a bug, or am I missing something?

Could you share more details of the configuration you are using: 1. What type of Backend Service are you using, with this LB? Is there a GKE cluster used in this configuration? 2. When you refer to steps Network services,> Load balancing > Load balancers > Edit > Frontend configuration can you mention the specific Load Balancer you are using?Nur
Have you tried deleting the certificate with the gcloud command? The behaviour you are experiencing might be an issue related to the UI.Miguel

2 Answers


Visit the certificates list in the advanced load-balancing menu, and delete the certificates you want to:



Because target proxy also using same SSL certificate. Update the target proxy with another SSL certificate, after that you can delete SSL certificate from load balancer.

Go to cloud sdk shell or cloud shell on browser and run the below command on exact project

gcloud compute target-https-proxies update PROXY_NAME --ssl-certificates=SSL_CERTIFIFCATE

replace PROXY_NAME & SSL_CERTIFIFCATE with exact names

you will get an output like below

Updated [https://www.googleapis.com/compute/v1/projects/project-id/global/targetHttpsProxies/target-proxy-name].

Now try to delete old SSL certificate from LB.