
I'm new to the World of Vue.js and I have to build a recursive Component renderer that turns JSON into rendered Vue components.

So far the recursive rendering works just fine, except for the props I'm passing to the createElement function (code below ;) ) is not available as props, but inside the $vnode.data object. Any ideas what I'm missing?

The mock JSON I'm using looks like this:

  "_id": "aslwi2",
  "template": "NavigationBar",
  "data": {},
  "substructure": [
      "_id": "assd2",
      "template": "NavigationBarListItem",
      "data": {
        "title": "NavList Item 1"
      "_id": "a2323uk",
      "template": "NavigationBarListItem",
      "data": {
        "title": "NavList Item 2"

My Recursive Rendering Component:

const createComponent = function(node ,h){
    if(!node || !node.template){

    let children = [];
    if(node.substructure instanceof Array){
        node.substructure.map( async childNode => {
            const childComponent = createComponent(childNode, h);

    return h(node.template, {xdata : clone(node.data)}, children.length > 0 ? children : null );

export default Vue.component('Structure', {
    render: function(createElement){

        if(!this.structure) return;
        const component =  createComponent(this.structure, createElement, registry);
        return component;
    props: {
        structure: {
            type: Object

And my dynamically instantiated components:

<!-- Component: NavBar -->
    <div class="nav-bar">

    export default {
        props: {
            data: {
                type: Object

<!-- Component: NavBarListItem -->
    <div class="nav-bar-item">

    export default {
        data () {
            return {
                title : "default"
        created() {
            console.log('list item: ', this)

Inside the log of the created method in my list item component we find the passed props within the $vnode...

Props available in $vnode but not as props


1 Answers


The problem is here:

return h(node.template, {xdata : clone(node.data)}, ...

I don't know what xdata is but it isn't something you should be passing to h. The options are documented at https://vuejs.org/v2/guide/render-function.html#The-Data-Object-In-Depth.

To pass a props you'd use props.

return h(node.template, {props : clone(node.data)}, ...

While I'm struggling a little to follow the intent behind your code it looks like you may also have a problem with NavBarListItem not defining a title prop. You can't pass a title unless it's defined as a prop. Defining it in data isn't the same thing.