I have 3 micro-service applications. I am trying to do 2 get call async using webclient from reactive package and then combine them whenever I get a response.
Sample code for that: (referred from - https://docs.spring.io/spring/docs/5.1.9.RELEASE/spring-framework-reference/web-reactive.html#webflux-client-synchronous)
Mono<Person> personMono = client.get().uri("/person/{id}", personId)
Mono<List<Hobby>> hobbiesMono = client.get().uri("/person/{id}/hobbies", personId)
Map<String, Object> data = Mono.zip(personMono, hobbiesMono, (person, hobbies) -> {
Map<String, String> map = new LinkedHashMap<>();
map.put("person", personName);
map.put("hobbies", hobbies);
return map;
My question is how can I add exception handling to the get calls?
How do I check if I got a 404 or 204 or something else?
I have tried:
- Adding .onStatus() to the GET calls
.onStatus(HttpStatus::is4xxClientError, clientResponse ->
Mono.error(new Data4xxException(String.format(
"Could not GET data with id: %s from another app, due to error:
%s", key, clientResponse))))
.onStatus(HttpStatus::is5xxServerError, clientResponse ->
Mono.error(new Data5xxException(
String.format("For Data %s, Error Occurred: %s", key, clientResponse))))
- Adding exceptionhandlers - but I exactly dont have a controller so this does not seem to be working.
public Exception handlerWebClientException(WebClientException webClientException) {
return new Data4xxException("Testing", webClientException);
- Added a class with ControllerAdvice and ExceptionHandler within it
public class WebFluxExceptionHandler {
public Exception handlerWebClientException(WebClientException webClientException) {
return new Data4xxException("Testing", webClientException);
But I don't see them printed in the spring-boot logs.
The Mono.zip.block() method just returns null and does not actually throw any exception.
How do I get the zip method to throw the exception and not return null ?