
I have a spring boot app where I use apache kafka-streams. I don't use spring cloud streams. I added actuator health check endpoint. I configured it in the application.yml like that:

  health.db.enabled: false
    path-mapping.health: /

When a runtime exception was thrown and my stream was stopped as logs show but the health check status is UP.

2019-09-17 13:16:31.522 INFO 1 --- [ Thread-5] org.apache.kafka.streams.KafkaStreams : stream-client [lpp-model-stream-7e6e8fea-fcad-4033-92a4-5ede50de6e17] Streams client stopped completely

How to bind kafka stream status to health check endpoint ?

My pom.xml:


Link to the code where I create the stream: https://gist.github.com/solveretur/fc4fdd6c7663dc4d58fe72d48029f9c3

Have you tried by implementing a custom HealthIndicator?, you can override use the KafkaStreams.setExceptionHandler to mark an error in your custom HealthIndicator implementation.Irshad P I
that's exactly what I want to do - implement a HealthIndicator - however I'am not proficient enough in Java / Spring / Kafka to do it and I would like to find some working example just to copy it into my projectClyde Barrow
I have answered this question based on my understanding below. If that is not working, can you provide a minimal reproducible example one can work on?Irshad P I

2 Answers


KafkaStreams maintain an in-memory State which could be mapped to Actuator's health statuses. State could be one of following:CREATED, ERROR, NOT_RUNNING, PENDING_SHUTDOWN, REBALANCING, RUNNING - they are self-explanatory. See docs for state transitions https://kafka.apache.org/11/javadoc/org/apache/kafka/streams/KafkaStreams.State.html

If you're looking for a complete example, you could take following one and update it according to your needs (e.g. you may not count CREATED as status UP). Make sure you have a bean of type KafkaStreams in application context.

//Note that class name prefix before `HealthIndicator` will be camel-cased
//and used as a health component name, `kafkaStreams` here
public class KafkaStreamsHealthIndicator implements HealthIndicator {

    //if you have multiple instances, inject as Map<String, KafkaStreams>
    //Spring will map KafkaStreams instances by bean names present in context
    //so you can provide status details for each stream by name
    private KafkaStreams kafkaStreams; 

    public Health health() {
        State kafkaStreamsState = kafkaStreams.state();

        if (kafkaStreamsState == State.CREATED || kafkaStreamsState.isRunning()) {
            //set details if you need one
            return Health.up().build();

        return Health.down().withDetail("state", kafkaStreamsState.name()).build();

Then the health endpoint will display it like:

    "status": "UP",
    "kafkaStreams": {
        "status": "DOWN",
        "details": {  //not included if "UP"
            "state": "NOT_RUNNING"


The health information is collected from all the beans implementing the HealthIndicator interface configured in your application context.

You can create a custom HealthIndicator which you can use to report the Kafka Streams error.

Create your HealthIndicator singleton bean as below

public class MyHealthIndicator implements HealthIndicator {
    private Exception caughtException = null;
    // Any other information you want to store.
    public Health health() {

        if (caughtException == null) {
            return Health
                .withDetail("status", "Kafka Streams Running")
        else {
            return Health
                .withDetail("status", "Not Available")
                .withDetail("error", caughtException.getMessage())
    public void setException(Exception caughtException) {
        this.caughtException = caughtException;

Then you can Autowire this bean where you are using your Kafka Streams, and you can set the exception as follows.

public class MyApp {
    private MyHealthIndicator healthIndicator; // You can also use constructor injection instead. 

    // Rest of the code

    public void init() {
        // Streams initialization code here
        streams.setUncaughtExceptionHandler((Thread thread, Throwable throwable) -> {
            healthIndicator.setException(new Exception(throwable));


I hope this helps, but if it doesn't, please give a Minimal, Verifiable, Reproducible Example which someone can work on