I am running Kubernetes on "Docker Desktop" in Windows.
I have a LoadBalancer Service for a deployment which has 3 replicas. I would like to access SPECIFIC pod through some means (such as via URL path : < serviceIP >:8090/pod1).
Is there any way to achieve this usecase?
deployment.yaml :
apiVersion: v1 kind: Service metadata: name: my-service1 labels: app: stream spec: ports: - port: 8090 targetPort: 8090 name: port8090 selector: app: stream # clusterIP: None type: LoadBalancer --- apiVersion: apps/v1beta2 kind: Deployment metadata: name: stream-deployment labels: app: stream spec: replicas: 3 selector: matchLabels: app: stream strategy: type: Recreate template: metadata: labels: app: stream spec: containers: - image: stream-server-mock:latest name: stream-server-mock imagePullPolicy: Never env: - name: STREAMER_IP valueFrom: fieldRef: fieldPath: status.podIP - name: STREAMER_ADDRESS value: stream-server-mock:8090 ports: - containerPort: 8090
My end goal is to achieve horizontal auto-scaling of pods.
How Application designed/and works as of now (without kubernetes) :
There are 3 components : REST-Server, Stream-Server (3 instances locally on different JVM on different ports), and RabbitMQ.
1 - The client sends a request to "REST-Server" for a stream url.
2 - The REST-Server puts in the RabbitMQ queue.
3 - One of the Stream-Server picks it up and populates its IP and sends back to REST-Server through RabbitMQ.
4 - The client receives the IP and establishes a direct WS connection using the IP.
The Problem what I face is :
1 - When the client requests for a stream IP, one of the pods (lets say POD1) picks it up and sends its URL (which is service URL, comes through LoadBalancer Service).
2 - Next time when the client tries to connect (WebSocket Connection) using the Service IP, it wont be the same pod which accepted the request.
It should be the same pod which accepted the request, and must be accessible by the client.