
I have a very wide dataset (1,000+ columns) about 160 of which are pairs in the following format: Var1.r and Var1.s; Var2.r and Var2.s, and so on.

Here is a small example of what the data look like now:

df <- tibble(Var1.r=c("Apple", "Pear", NA), Var1.s = c(NA, NA, "Dog"), 
             Var2.r = c("Boat", NA, NA), Var2.s = c(NA, "Platypus", NA),
             AnotherVar = c(1,2,3))

# A tibble: 3 x 5
  Var1.r Var1.s Var2.r Var2.s   AnotherVar
  <chr>  <chr>  <chr>  <chr>         <dbl>
1 Apple  NA     Boat   NA                1
2 Pear   NA     NA     Platypus          2
3 NA     Dog    NA     NA                3

And what I would like it to look like:

> df2
# A tibble: 3 x 3
  Var1  Var2     AnotherVar
  <chr> <chr>         <dbl>
1 Apple Boat              1
2 Pear  Platypus          2
3 Dog   NA                3

I wrote a function to merge each pair of columns merge_columns which takes two columns as arguments and returns the desired merged column. Normally I would do something like:

df2 <- df %>% 
  mutate(Var1 = merge_cols(Var1.r, Var1.s),
         Var2 = merge_cols(Var2.r, Var2.s))

and then drop all the .r and .s columns. Except I don't want to write that same line 80 times.

There must be a better way, right?

UPDATE: I ended up going with an ugly but workable solution.

# select all the ".s" columns 
# (which will always have their .r counterparts)
to_merge <- df %>% select(ends_with(".s")) %>% names()

S <- NA
# loop through all the .s column names
for (S in to_merge) { 
  R <- gsub('(.+).s', '\\1.r', S) #create the equivalent .r col name
  # merge them using merge_cols() and save them to the .r column 
  df[R] <- merge_cols(df[[S]],df[[R]])

# drop all the .s columns
df <- df %>% select(-ends_with(".s"))
# rename the variables that end in .r to be the "main" variable
names(df) <- gsub('(.+).r$', '\\1', names(df))

It's super ugly but it works faster than reshaping the dataframe (because I have way too many columns but not that many rows) and allows me to use a custom merge_cols function depending on how I want to merge the data.

Could you specify an example of the input you have and the expected output?iago
I've added better examples and more details. Thank you for your patience! :)Julia B.

1 Answers


You should be able to do this by converting your data frame into long format, then parsing the column names, followed by removing missing values. For example:


df <-
    Var1.r = c("Apple", "Pear", NA),
    Var1.s = c(NA, NA, "Dog"),
    Var2.r = c("Boat", NA, NA),
    Var2.s = c(NA, "Platypus", NA),
    AnotherVar = c(1, 2, 3)

df %>% gather(Var, Val, -AnotherVar) %>% 
  separate(Var, into=c("Name", "Suffix"), sep="\\.") %>% 
  drop_na(Val) %>% 
  select(-Suffix) %>% 
  spread(Name, Val)

# A tibble: 3 x 3
  AnotherVar Var1  Var2    
       <dbl> <chr> <chr>   
1          1 Apple Boat    
2          2 Pear  Platypus
3          3 Dog   NA   

Or a bit more general, capture the variables you want to gather with starts_with assuming they all start with Var:

df <-
    Var1.r = c("Apple", "Pear", NA),
    Var1.s = c(NA, NA, "Dog"),
    Var2.r = c("Boat", NA, NA),
    Var2.s = c(NA, "Platypus", NA),
    AnotherVar = c(1, 2, 3),
    AnotherVar2 = c("a", NA, "c"),
    AnotherVar3 = c("a1", "b2", NA)

df %>% gather(Var, Val, starts_with("Var")) %>% 
  separate(Var, into=c("Name", "Suffix"), sep="\\.") %>% 
  drop_na(Val) %>% 
  select(-Suffix) %>% 
  spread(Name, Val)

# A tibble: 3 x 5
  AnotherVar AnotherVar2 AnotherVar3 Var1  Var2    
       <dbl> <chr>       <chr>       <chr> <chr>   
1          1 a           a1          Apple Boat    
2          2 NA          b2          Pear  Platypus
3          3 c           NA          Dog   NA