
Goal: To implement a Toast Message modal (using Functional Component) which will show or hide based on the props value (props.showToastModal) within the return of ToastModal component

Expected: Using props.showToastModal directly would determine if Toast appears

Actual: Modal does not appear based on props.showToastModal

Here's the code: Parent Component

class Datasets extends Component {
  constructor(props) {
    this.state = {
      showToastModal: false,
      toastModalText: ''

 toggleOff = () => {
    this.setState({ showToastModal: false, toastModalText: '' })

 render() {
   {this.state.showToastModal && (

Child Component This works:

const ToastModal = (props) => {

  const isOpen = props.showToastModal

  return (
    <div className={`${css.feedbackModal} ${isOpen ? css.show : css.hide}`}>
        className={`bx bx-x`}
        onClick={() => props.toggleOff()}

export default ToastModal

But this doesn't (using the props value directly):

const ToastModal = (props) => {

  return (
    <div className={`${css.feedbackModal} ${props.showToastModal ? css.show : css.hide}`}>
        className={`bx bx-x`}
        onClick={() => props.toggleOff()}

export default ToastModal

Using a const isOpen = props.showToastModal works as expected instead. I am confused why this happens. Is this is a React Lifecycle issue, or a case where it is bad practice to use props values which may be updated during the render?

From glancing at your code there is no difference in functionality. Are you confident nothing else has changed? Can you provide a Codesandbox example or update and use an inline stack snippet (there's support for React)?skovy
Second what @skovy says, from what you posted all you did was condense some logic. Yes to sharing a codesandbox that replicates your issue.Drew Reese

1 Answers


Please try destructuring objects

const ToastModal = ({ showToastModal, toggleOff }) => {

  return (
    <div className={`${css.feedbackModal} ${showToastModal ? css.show : css.hide}`}>
        className={`bx bx-x`}

export default ToastModal