
What I'm using

  • VSCode
  • Quasar (Vue)
  • Typescript
  • Eslint/@typescript-eslint
  • Prettier / prettierhtml / Vetur

Current issue:

Until recently, injected script in the <template> of vue files (e.g. onSignIn in <div @click="onSignIn"> was checked against available variables/methods in the <script lang="ts"> part. This has now stopped working and I couldn't figure out what's the reason. Playing around with VSCode/Vetur/eslint settings wasn't successful either so far.

As the above hasn't worked earlier either but just since I started my latest project, I'm not sure what settings is responsible for that part anyway (Veturs' HTML > Validate > Scripts apparently is not enough) and my first question is, whether it works for you; the second, if you know exactly why/why not (?).


1 Answers


Setting vetur.experimental.templateInterpolationService: true did the trick.