I'm writing a Flex application using Flash Builder 4 and I'm having a bit of trouble with an AS3 object. Essentially, it is a BorderContainer, with a few buttons and images, and programming logic that determines how these interact with eachother and a database.
What I want to be able to do is configure the layout/style of the inner components using MXML and CSS. I can configure the inherited objects, but not ones that I have defined...
For example, in my MXML. I can modify the (inherited) borderstroke variable of myContainer like so;
<s:LinearGradientStroke weight="10" rotation="270">
<s:GradientEntry color="0xF655E5"/>
<s:GradientEntry color="0x6600CC"/>
However, I can't edit the nextButton variable (which is of type Button) like this;
<IE:nextButton width="100" height="30" left="10%" bottom="10%"/>
If I try, I get the compile error "Could not resolve to a component implementation".
What do I need to do to make this work?!
Thanks in advance, Aidan
EDIT: Here's the main method of MyContainer (actually named InvestigativeEnvironment). The call to defineTestInvestigativeEnvironment() is what takes care of setting up the objects and action listeners and such. What I want to do is change the layout and appearance of these visual components in MXML (nextButton, prevButton, toolbox, displayArea). I want to be able to set their height, width, background, x, y, horizontalCenter, etc like I can to a button that I add to a container via MXML.
public class InvestigativeEnvironment extends BorderContainer
private var toolbox:Toolbox;
private var bodySystem:BodySystem;
public var nextButton:Button;
public var prevButton:Button;
private var displayArea:Group;
private var image:Image;
private var toolDisplayArea:Group;
public function InvestigativeEnvironment()
//create 'Next' button and event listener
nextButton = new Button();
nextButton.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, nextViewAngle);
nextButton.label = "Next";
//create 'Prev' button and event listener
prevButton = new Button();
prevButton.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, prevViewAngle);
prevButton.label = "Prev";
//define investigative environment by creating models.
//Instantiate the Group that contains the model image and tool overlays
displayArea=new Group();
//Instantiate the image that is used to display the model
image = new Image();
//add toolOverlayContainer to the display area ABOVE the model image
toolDisplayArea = new Group();
//add toolbox to display
toolbox = new Toolbox(toolDisplayArea);