I'm helping a charity out with some IT issues they're having. Part of it is to tidy up their documents and work. I am trying to script some renaming without much luck!
They have lots of video blogs, audio files and word type docs all with bad files names. Bad as in, The Old Man and his dog.mp4
There is a lot the start with "The" "i" "A" etc. I've sorted into folders based on types of files now. But still would like to update the file names to read more like
Old Man and His Dog (The).mp4
Could you help a little here as I am still new to Powershell and learning on the job.
I've been able to remove the first part of the file name, but don't know how to add it to the end of the file name.
Get-ChildItem The*.* |Rename-Item -NewName {$_.name -replace "The ",''}
I need to search all sub folders and find all files AND FOLDERS beginning with "The " for example.
So before:- The Old Man and his dog.mp4
and keep the file in that folder
and rename it too Old Man and His Dog (The).mp4
$_.Name -replace '^(The) (.*)(\.[^.]*)$', '$2 ($1)$3'
– Ansgar Wiechers