
I have several line (serial) charts where I do not want any axes visible, just the graph line itself. I can easily hide the ValueAxes by setting axisThickness to 0, but I cannot get the categoryAxis to hide. I have tried the following:

"categoryAxis": {
  "axisThickness": 0,
  "axisAlpha": 0

I can fake hide it by setting "axisColour" to the same colour as the background-color of the containing div. However, it seems to blend with my white graph line when the graph line is running along the hidden axis (consecutive zero values).

How can I hide the category axis properly? Why would "axisThickness" and "axisAlpha" have no effect even though they are in the documentation for CategoryAxis (and they work perfectly for ValueAxis)?


1 Answers


Have you tried to switch off categoryAxis labels: labelsEnabled: false?

Here's the reference in official AmCharts docs: https://www.amcharts.com/docs/v3/reference/categoryaxessettings/#labelsEnabled_property