I am trying to create a login for my database and I don't want to use the Microsoft way of doing so. I want to have the users login with a username and password then have that information verified in the "tblUsers" table.
UserID LoginID Level LevelID
jpurk jack23 admin 3
krimes kitty editor 2
lwalms low34 reader 1
I got as far as verifying the "UserID" and "LoginID" using dlookup
Nz(DLookup("[LoginID]", "tblUsers", "[UserID] = '" & Me.txtUserID & "'"), "")
The problem I have now is that I want certain items on the menu unavailable to users without the proper Level; If they are only an "editor" or a "reader", then I don't want them to have access to the "administrative" button where I have placed all admin forms.
After I use dLookup to verify the username and password, how do I now find out their "Level" and assign rights to different menu items? Thank you.