I had followed this blog --> https://medium.com/@teyou21/training-your-object-detection-model-on-tensorflow-part-2-e9e12714bdf , and built a SSD Mobilenet model which is pre-trained on the COCO Dataset called "ssd_mobilenet_v2_quantized_coco".
What happens here is that it perfectly detects my new classes, but I want to include the pre-trained classes as well.
I tried changing the number of classes to 96 ( 90 pre-trained + 6 new ) and edited the "labelmap.pbtxt" with the name and corresponding id of all labels from the COCO Dataset with the new classes being added at the last from ids 91 - 96.
It still detects only the new classes only.
What should I do to detect both the pre-trained and new classes?