
Now I have some problem that is to paginate all data stored in my Tasks table, I have trying some code in ways to make pagination in laravel, but the code not work with .vue file extension. I'm using laravel 5.8, vue.js, axios, and vue-router-view.

My code not working or its maybe wrong overall,

// this is my index function in my taskController file :

public function index(Request $request)
        // return new taskCollection(Task::orderBy('created_at', 'desc')->paginate(5));
        $tasks = Task::orderBy('created_at', 'desc')->paginate(10);

        return response()->json($tasks)

// and this is my code to fetch the data from response given by controller:

methods: {
    getTaskList() {
      let uri = `/api/tasks`;
        .then(response => {
          if (!this.tasks.data) {
            this.tasks = response.data.data;
          } else {
            this.tasks.next_page_url = response.data.next_page_url;
        .catch(function(error) {

//I want to paginate the data so it's not showing all data entire the page.

i think you should do only this.tasks = response.data;Boussadjra Brahim
@BoussadjraBrahim I have do that, but the data become not showing anything just a blank pagesab896

1 Answers


Refactor your code referring this.

First, install Laravel Vue pagination

npm install laravel-vue-pagination

in your APP.JS

Vue.component('pagination', require('laravel-vue-pagination'));

in your Controller

 public function index(){
        return User::latest()->paginate(5);

in your Vue file

<div class="card-body table-responsive p-0">
            <table class="table table-hover">
                    <th>Registered At</th>

              <tr v-for="user in users.data" :key="user.id">

                <td>{{user.type | upText}}</td>
                <td>{{user.created_at | myDate}}</td>

                    <a href="#" @click="editModal(user)">
                        <i class="fa fa-edit blue"></i>
                    <a href="#" @click="deleteUser(user.id)">
                        <i class="fa fa-trash red"></i>

          <!-- /.card-body -->
          <div class="card-footer">
              <pagination :data="users" @pagination-change-page="getResults"></pagination>

In your Script

getResults(page = 1) {
                    axios.get('api/user?page=' + page)
                        .then(response => {
                            this.users = response.data;

in API route

Route::apiResources(['user' => 'API\UserController']);