Context: I'm basically trying to get data out of Application Insights into Power BI. This needs to include long-term trend analysis, so I have (as directed) tried to setup Continuous Export and using Stream Analytics to export this to a Power BI dataset.
My first (extremely basic) test worked, but now I have tried to up the complexity slightly by extracting some custom dimensions (one called "SP_Page_Topic") and I keep getting the following error:
"The streaming job failed: Stream Analytics job has validation errors: Query compilation error: Expression is not supported: 'GetArrayElement(context.custom.dimensions, 0).SP_Page_Topic'..",
This works PERFECTLY fine from the Query Builder "test" function and I can see the preview of the output and it looks all correct and good.
But when the Stream Analytics job runs, I just get this error over and over.
Note - this is my query in Stream Analytics:
WITH Step1 AS (
SELECT as PageUrl, as EventTime,
context.device.type as DeviceType,
context.device.osVersion as OSVersion,
context.device.browser as Browser,
context.device.browserVersion as BrowserVersion,
context.location.continent as Region, as Country,
GetArrayElement(context.custom.dimensions, 0).SP_Page_Topic as Topic
SELECT * INTO [PageViewOutput]
FROM Step1