
Using C# I am trying to get all list items of a list in a Microsoft WORD document. The document has only one list as shown below. And the third item of the list contains a second paragraph.

Question: Following code is not getting the second paragraph of the third item of the list. What I may be missing and how can we get the second paragraph in the output (shown below)?

NOTE: I'm using C# but a VBA solution will also be fine.

Snapshot of WORD document:

enter image description here


Using System
using Word = Microsoft.Office.Interop.Word;

static void Test()
    Word.Application oApp = new Word.Application();
    oApp.Visible = true;
    Word.Document oDoc = oApp.Documents.Open(@"C:\MyFolder\MyDoc.docx");
    string sList = "";

    Word.List oLst = oDoc.Lists[1];

    for (int j = 1; j <= oLst.ListParagraphs.Count; j++)
        sList += oLst.ListParagraphs[j].Range.Text + "\n";
    sList = "";

    oDoc.Close(SaveChanges: Word.WdSaveOptions.wdDoNotSaveChanges);

Snapshot of Output window in VS2019

Item a
Item b
Item c
Item d
Item e
Item k

Desired output:

Item a
Item b
Item c
 A new paragraph in the list item c
Item d
Item e
Item k


The paragraph in list item 3 was created in a usual way as follows:

Create the first list item by clicking on numbered list button on the ribbon (shown in image below). Then type Item a and hit Enter. Second list item automatically gets created. There you type Item b and hit Enter. Third list item automatically gets created. And so on......

Now that all 6 items get created, you go back to list item 3 where after the line Item c you hit Enter. A new list item as list item 4 gets created (and the remaining list items get renumbered - and the list has 7 items now). While still on the newly created list item 4, you then click on the numbered list button on the ribbon. The newly created list item 4 gets removed and gets replaced with a blank line where you type A new paragraph in the list item c. The list has 6 items now with a paragraph in list item 3.

enter image description here


1 Answers


If this is truly an independent paragraph - ANSI 13 (and not new lines - ANSI 11) then it cannot be a member of the list as far as Word is concerned. It's interrupting the list. That's why it's not included in the ListParagraphs.

What is possible is to create a standard Range object (doesn't differentiate between List and non-List paragraphs) and loop that. For example:

Word.List oLst = doc.Lists[1];
Word.Range startList = oLst.Range;
Word.Range endList = startList.Duplicate;
startList.End = endList.End;

for (int j = 1; j <= startList.Paragraphs.Count; j++)
    sList += startList.Paragraphs[j].Range.Text + "\n";