As I understood from the "Erlang and OTP in action" book, the word behavior refers to:
- the behaviour interface, which is a set of functions;
- the behaviour implementation, which is the application-specific code (a callback module);
- the behaviour container, which is a process.
What an Erlang/OTP beginner should know about behaviours? Is it possible to describe and understand the notion of OTP behaviour in a nutshell?
What 'callback function' does actually mean in the context of Elang/OTP?
Can we consider the callbacks in a behaviour implemenation as methods overriden in Java?
The book says that the associated callback function for the library function 'gen_server:start_link/4' in the following code is 'Module:init/1'.
Does that mean that with init/1 we call the gen_server:start_link/4 library function? Or does that mean anything else?
%% API
%% gen_server callbacks
-export([init/1, handle_call/3, handle_cast/2, handle_info/2,
terminate/2, code_change/3]).
-define(SERVER, ?MODULE).
-define(DEFAULT_PORT, 1055).
-record(state, {port, lsock, request_count = 0}).
%%% API
%% @doc Starts the server.
%% @spec start_link(Port::integer()) -> {ok, Pid}
%% where
%% Pid = pid()
%% @end
start_link(Port) ->
gen_server:start_link({local, ?SERVER}, ?MODULE, [Port], []).
%% @spec start_link() -> {ok, Pid}
%% @doc Calls `start_link(Port)' using the default port.
s tart_link() ->
%% @doc Fetches the number of requests made to this server.
%% @spec get_count() -> {ok, Count}
%% where
%% Count = integer()
%% @end
get_count() ->
gen_server:call(?SERVER, get_count).
%% @doc Stops the server.
%% @spec stop() -> ok
%% @end
stop() ->
gen_server:cast(?SERVER, stop).
%%% gen_server callbacks
init([Port]) ->
{ok, LSock} = gen_tcp:listen(Port, [{active, true}]),
{ok, #state{port = Port, lsock = LSock}, 0}.
handle_call(get_count, _From, State) ->
{reply, {ok, State#state.request_count}, State}.
handle_cast(stop, State) ->
{stop, normal, State}.
handle_info({tcp, Socket, RawData}, State) ->
do_rpc(Socket, RawData),
RequestCount = State#state.request_count,
{noreply, State#state{request_count = RequestCount + 1}};
handle_info(timeout, #state{lsock = LSock} = State) ->
{ok, _Sock} = gen_tcp:accept(LSock),
{noreply, State}.
terminate(_Reason, _State) ->
code_change(_OldVsn, State, _Extra) ->
{ok, State}.
%%% Internal functions
do_rpc(Socket, RawData) ->
{M, F, A} = split_out_mfa(RawData),
Result = apply(M, F, A),
gen_tcp:send(Socket, io_lib:fwrite("~p~n", [Result]))
_Class:Err ->
gen_tcp:send(Socket, io_lib:fwrite("~p~n", [Err]))
split_out_mfa(RawData) ->
MFA = re:replace(RawData, "\r\n$", "", [{return, list}]),
{match, [M, F, A]} =
[{capture, [1,2,3], list}, ungreedy]),
{list_to_atom(M), list_to_atom(F), args_to_terms(A)}.
args_to_terms(RawArgs) ->
{ok, Toks, _Line} = erl_scan:string("[" ++ RawArgs ++ "]. ", 1),
{ok, Args} = erl_parse:parse_term(Toks),
%% test
start_test() ->
{ok, _} = tr_server:start_link(1055).