As Frant pointed out the cross product here is killing your performance. Note that this isn't just a cross between all nodes and all relationships, it's actually against 2x all your relationships since without a direction in the pattern each relationship will be matched to twice, once in each direction.
I think you would be better served calculating the min and max for all nodes first, then the min and max for all relationships, then the final calculation among the final results (using APOC for getting max and min among a list):
UNWIND [n.start_t, n.end_t, n.begin, n.end] as l
WITH min(l) as min, max(l) as max
MATCH ()-[e]->()
UNWIND [e.start_t, e.end_t, e.begin, e.end] as l
WITH min, max, min(l) as minR, max(l) as maxR
RETURN apoc.coll.min([min, minR]) as min, apoc.coll.max([max, maxR]) as max
At the point where you have min and max from the nodes, you're back down to a single row and ready to tackle the rest without cardinality issues.
The APOC functions here are the cleanest way to get min or max within a single row.
Otherwise we may have to do something like this:
UNWIND [n.start_t, n.end_t, n.begin, n.end] as l
WITH min(l) as min, max(l) as max
MATCH ()-[e]->()
UNWIND [e.start_t, e.end_t, e.begin, e.end] as l
WITH min, max, min(l) as minR, max(l) as maxR
RETURN CASE WHEN min < minR THEN min ELSE minR END as min, CASE WHEN max > maxR THEN max ELSE maxR END as max