
I doing custom reset password with email confirm.

path('password_reset', views.reset_password_view, name='password-reset'),
path('password_reset/done', views.reset_password_done_view, name='password_reset_done'),
path('reset/<uidb64>/<token>/', views.password_confirm_view, name='password_reset_confirm') #this url

def password_confirm_view(request, uidb64, token):
context = {}
if request.method == 'POST':
    form = SetPasswordForm(data=request.POST, user=request.user)
    if form.is_valid():
        form.save() #I have error
        update_session_auth_hash(request, form.user)
        return redirect('password_reset_done')
    form = SetPasswordForm(user=request.user)
context['form'] = form
return render(request, 'mdm/registration/password_confirm.html', context)

Exception Type:NotImplementedError
Exception Value:Django doesn't provide a DB representation for AnonymousUser.


form enctype="multipart/form-data" method="post">
                    {% csrf_token %}
                    <div class="input-group register">
                        {{ form.new_password1.errors }}
                        <label for="id_new_password1">Пароль: </label>
                        {{ form.new_password1 }}
                    <div class="input-group register">
                        {{ form.new_password2.errors }}
                        <label for="id_new_password2">Подтвердите пароль: </label>
                        {{ form.new_password2 }}                            
                    <div class="justify-content-center">
                        <button class="btn btn-block btn-sm btn-info mt-5" type="submit">Сменить пароль</button>

I send email for change password for not authorisation user(forgot password). He followed link from email. He must input password and confirm and save form. How i can autherisation user? I think, I must used (uidb64, token).

Your question is unclear. This code expects a user to already be logged in.Daniel Roseman
I send email for change password for not authorisation user(forgot password). He followed link from email. He must input password and confirm and save form.Rustam Pulatov
But then you should not be using request.user. Why are you doing that? The point is that the user is identified by the UID and the token.Daniel Roseman
Note that in any case this entire code is pointless as this functionality is already provided by Django. There is no need to write it yourself.Daniel Roseman
Yes. I use functionality from django like this: path('reset/<uidb64>/<token>/', auth_views.PasswordResetConfirmView.as_view(), name='password_reset_confirm'), It's working, but i want do this without admin panel. What is better way?Rustam Pulatov

1 Answers


It's very yeasy. Thank you, @Daniel Roseman.
