
I have an azure function, that is backed by managed identity.

On the same AD there is office 365 with a SharePoint site called "demonews".

How do I add permissions/add the managed identity to the group "demonews" such it can access the SharePoint API?

I tried Add Member on SharePoint site, I tried on AD Group to add a member. The dropdown do not find a managed identity.

Have you tried adding your identity as an app-only user ?docs.microsoft.com/en-us/sharepoint/dev/solution-guidance/….Thomas
That is the app registrations (you cant assign permisions apis to managed api registrations that i know off). So you can create app registraiton, save the secret in keyvault and use MSI to accesss keyvault.Poul K. Sørensen
I've never tried with Sharepoint but I've used Managed identity to connect to D365 which has kind of the same approach. You can retrieve the managed identity app id from the entreprise application blade in Azure AD.Thomas
Managed identity is just a specific type of service principal so from a sharepoint point of view it is the same: just an object in azure ad.Thomas

1 Answers


I think this what you are looking for:


Essentially you will get the azure service principal for office 365 SharePoint as well as the roles.

#Get the sharePoint principal $sharePoint = (Get-AzureADServicePrincipal -SearchString “Office 365 SharePoint”).ObjectId

#Get the Roles for that principal $appRoles = Get-AzureADServicePrincipal -SearchString “Office 365 SharePoint” | %{$_.AppRoles}

#Find the specific role $appRole = AppRoles.Where({ $_.Value -eq "Sites.Manage.All" }

#You will also need to get the service principal for your function app

#Get the function app object id $myfunctionapp = (Get-AzureADServicePrincipal -SearchString “myfunctionapp”).ObjectId

#assign the role to the MSI for the sharepoint resource New-AzureADServiceAppRoleAssignment -ObjectId $myfunctionapp -PrincipalId $myfunctionapp -ResourceId $sharePoint -Id $appRole

You can then use the local MSI endpoint and secret to obtain a token.