I need to integrate the Dynamic horizontal listview in my project. I found this concept below blog on the website. But I confused this code to integrate into my project. Kindly suggest me an idea to anyone. I need this image type grid or horizontal listview( https://i.stack.imgur.com/OvJZE.png).
public void SetupUserStack()
---------- issue in _itemSelectCommand in my code
cButtonList.Add(new CircleButton(_itemSelectCommand)
{ CircleSize = otherCircleSize, CircleFontSize = 35, Text = initials, BackgroundColor = Color.White, TextColor = ourBlue, BorderColor = ourBlue, BorderWidth = 1.5 });
var b2 = new Button() { Text = lname, TextColor = ourBlue };
//otherGrid.Children.Add(LargeCB, 0, 0);
otherGrid.Children.Add(cButtonList[i], 0, 0);
otherGrid.Children.Add(b2, 0, 1);
Blog I refer: horizontal-list-view-with-circular-button-styling-in-xamarin-forms