This server '/' error pops up in my application if the user is signed in to another AAD account with a different domain, is there a way to make the azure website redirect back to the log in page so he/she can sign in to the proper user account instead of showing this error?
"OpenIdConnectMessage.Error was not null, indicating an error. Error: >'access_denied'. Error_Description (may be empty): 'XXXYYY00000: User account '{EmailHidden}' from identity provider '' does not exist in tenant 'XXXX' and cannot access the application '00X1XXX0-XXXX-XXXX-XXXX-XXXXXXXXXXXX'(00000_website.azurewebsites_XXXX) in that tenant. The account needs to be added as an external user in the tenant first. Sign out and sign in again with a different Azure Active Directory user account Trace ID: xxxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx Correlation ID: xxxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx Timestamp: 2019-09-11 02:31:47Z'. Error_Uri (may be empty): ''."