My word document template has several local styles that, combined, make a box (boxPara, boxNote, boxTitle, etc). Unfortunately all my boxes are missing the boxTitle paragraphs. My goal is to have a macro that looks for the first boxPara and adds in a blank boxTitle before it - then looks for the boxNote (last item in the box) to reset.
Problem is I'm having difficulty styling the paragraph. The closest I've come is styling the current paragraph wrong, inserting the new paragraph, then re-styling the current paragraph correctly. This seems rather...wrong. And I'd also like to be able to set the text of the inserted paragraph.
Sub addTag()
Dim BoxStart As Integer
Dim Para As Word.Paragraph
BoxStart = 0
For Each Para In ActiveDocument.Paragraphs
If Para.Format.Style = "BoxParagraph" And BoxStart = 0 Then
BoxStart = 1
' Selection.Paragraphs(1).Range.InsertParagraphBefore
Para.Format.Style = "BoxTitle"
Para.Format.Style = "BoxParagraph"
' Testing the flag works correctly
' Debug.Print BoxStart
' Debug.Print Para.Range.Text
ElseIf Para.Format.Style = "BoxNote" Then
BoxStart = 0
' Debug.Print BoxStart
End If
End Sub