I'm attempting to test a REST controller (using Quarkus) endpoint using rest assured. I want to mock a class that is injected into that controller (ideally with Mockio), but only for one of my tests. Or get different behaviour per test case without having to have separate classes for each test. I'm not sure how to do this?
I've seen doing it the way from the documentation:
public class MockExternalService extends ExternalService {
public String service() {
return "mock";
But this would only allow me to use one mock for all tests and not mock certain behaviours based on tests as I would with Mockito. I think?
I've tried creating a mock and annotating it with @Mock
public TableExtractorService tableExtractorServiceMock = Mockito.mock(TableExtractorService.class);;
but I still get my real implementation when I use it. I'm using a constructor annotated with @Inject in my Controller that takes the TableExtractorService.
For a bit more information my test using restassured looks like this:
InputPart filePart = Mockito.mock(InputPart.class);
final InputStream inputStream = filePart.getBody(InputStream.class, null);
.multiPart("file", inputStream)
That endpoint calls the service class that I'm trying to mock, and I want that mock to return an exception.
annotation is used for automatically initializing mocks (either by a suitable testrunner, or callingMockito.initMocks(this)
). You don't need@Mock
, you need just one of them. – KayamanInputPart
, but maybe you're not injecting them to the places they're used? – Kayaman