
I am trying to Insert/Update data into BLOB Column where there are few Non-Ascii Characters present. When I retrieve the column values, they are not fetched as same as when I inserted them.

// This is sample data or data snippet of very large data text where i see the difference after update.

Tried this updated Query:

UPDATE Blob_table SET FILE_BLOB = utl_raw.cast_to_raw('00001Ý#01¨ return') where eid = 1;

When i fetch the table:

SELECT FILE_BLOb FROM Blob_table WHERE eid = 1;

Above Query output: 00001�#01¨ return

Expected : 00001Ý#01¨ return

Actual : 00001�#01¨ return

Can anyone explain Why the data is retrieved wrongly and how to fix them?

Oracle Database Version :

"Oracle Database 18c Enterprise Edition Release - Production Version"

Character Set Details:



This is generally problem of character set. Which tool do you use to fetch the data?Popeye
SQL Developer
Why do you use BLOB rather than CLOB? Character set AL32UTF8 supports any character, so converting to BLOB seems to be pointless to me.Wernfried Domscheit
Yes, I agree. But this table is already existing table and Users want it that way. We see some special characters coming into this table. So Want to know why those Original characters get changed and is there any way we can fix them with the BLOB column itself. Otherwise (No other option) we have to recommend to Users to have CLOB column.Vicki
In case of BLOB, user upload file in SQL Developer: it.toolbox.com/blogs/loannismoutsatsos/…ibre5041

1 Answers


BLOB holds binary data, so the expected output should be something like 3030303031C39D233031C2A82072657475726E.

If you expect 00001Ý#01¨ return then you need to convert binary data back to character data, apparently your tool does it implicitly. Using CAST_TO_VARCHAR2 should return correct result.

CAST_TO_VARCHAR2 uses the current database character set (AL32UTF8 in your case). If your client uses a different character set, then you have to use DBMS_LOB.CONVERTTOCLOB, there you can specify it.

However, the simplest way would be to convert your column to proper data type CLOB, this will make your life much easier.