
Azure storage blob, uploaded a blob using client-side encryption, using CEK and KEK. And now trying to download the decrypted file using the KEK on the client-side. But the file gets downloaded and does not decrypt. Shows only the encrypted file.

public class KeyVaultGettingStarted {

    public static void main(String[] args) throws StorageException,
            NoSuchAlgorithmException, InterruptedException, ExecutionException,
            URISyntaxException, InvalidKeyException, IOException {

        // Get the key ID from Utility if it exists.
        String keyID = Utility.keyVaultKeyID;

        // If no key ID was specified, we will create a new secret in Key Vault.
        // To create a new secret, this client needs full permission to Key
        // Vault secrets.
        // Once the secret is created, its ID can be added to App.config. Once
        // this is done,
        // this client only needs read access to secrets.
        if (keyID == null || keyID.isEmpty()) {
            keyID = KeyVaultUtility.createSecret("KVGettingStartedSecret");

        // Retrieve storage account information from connection string
        // How to create a storage connection string -
        // https://azure.microsoft.com/en-us/documentation/articles/storage-configure-connection-string/
        CloudStorageAccount storageAccount = CloudStorageAccount

        CloudBlobClient client = storageAccount.createCloudBlobClient();
        CloudBlobContainer container = client
                        + UUID.randomUUID().toString().replace("-", ""));

        // Construct a resolver capable of looking up keys and secrets stored in
        // Key Vault.

        KeyVaultKeyResolver cloudResolver = new KeyVaultKeyResolver(

        // To demonstrate how multiple different types of key can be used, we
        // also create a local key and resolver.
        // This key is temporary and won't be persisted.
        final KeyPairGenerator keyGen = KeyPairGenerator.getInstance("RSA");
        final KeyPair wrapKey = keyGen.generateKeyPair();

        RsaKey rsaKey = new RsaKey("rsaKey1", wrapKey);
        LocalResolver resolver = new LocalResolver();

        // If there are multiple key sources like Azure Key Vault and local KMS,
        // set up an aggregate resolver as follows.
        // This helps users to define a plug-in model for all the different key
        // providers they support.
        AggregateKeyResolver aggregateResolver = new AggregateKeyResolver();

        // Set up a caching resolver so the secrets can be cached on the client.
        // This is the recommended usage
        // pattern since the throttling targets for Storage and Key Vault
        // services are orders of magnitude
        // different.
        CachingKeyResolver cachingResolver = new CachingKeyResolver(1,

        // Create a key instance corresponding to the key ID. This will cache
        // the secret.
        IKey cloudKey = cachingResolver.resolveKeyAsync(keyID).get();


        try {
            int size = 5 * 1024 * 1024;
            String a = "this is the encrypted message.";

            // The first blob will use the key stored in the Azure Key Vault.
            CloudBlockBlob blob = container.getBlockBlobReference("blockblob1");

            BlobEncryptionPolicy uploadPolicy = new BlobEncryptionPolicy(
                    cloudKey, null);

            // Set the encryption policy on the request options.
            BlobRequestOptions uploadOptions = new BlobRequestOptions();

            System.out.println("Uploading the 1st encrypted blob.");

            // Upload the encrypted contents to the blob.
            ByteArrayInputStream inputStream = new 
            blob.upload(inputStream, size, null, uploadOptions, null);

            // Download the encrypted blob.
            BlobEncryptionPolicy downloadPolicy = new BlobEncryptionPolicy(

            // Set the decryption policy on the request options.
            BlobRequestOptions downloadOptions = new BlobRequestOptions();

            System.out.println("Downloading the 1st encrypted blob.");

            ByteArrayOutputStream outputStream = new ByteArrayOutputStream();

            blob.download(outputStream, null, downloadOptions, null);

Azure storage blob, uploaded a blob using client-side encryption, using CEK and KEK. And now trying to download the decrypted file using the KEK on the client-side. But the file gets downloaded and does not decrypt. Shows only the encrypted file.

Is that you use the same key to decrypt and encrypt the blob?Jim Xu
Have my solution solved your problem?Cindy Pau

1 Answers


These two doc may give you some help:



please tranform the download method to:

blob.downloadToFile("C:\\Users\\kashyap\\Downloads\\abc.txt", null, uploadOptions, null);

You can see that the picture that I uploaded to azure blob is broken: enter image description here

But when I downloaded it with this method, It turned back to picture again:

enter image description here enter image description here

It works on my side. If you have more question, please let me know.