It sounds like you want to save and restore camera rotation, when a new panorama is loaded.
Since you are using the look-controls component on the camera, you will need to do this using that component. It might be best to modify that component, and create your own custom variation. You can download the original here:
The component does have a built in function for saving and restoring position and rotation
saveCameraPose: function ()
restoreCameraPose: function ()
as it is written, the component can only save one entry
Depending on what you want, you may have to save the position/rotation to new variable that are associated with each pano, so that when a new pano is selected, that same entry for camera pos/rot is also loaded and camera restored. It would probably be best to do this with an array. Psuedo code looks something like:
- Make an array (containing objects: {camPos, camRot}). named savedCamPR.
- When new pano is selected get the index of current pano. named curPanoID
- Save the look-controls pos/rot to savedCamPR[curPanoID], ie the array using the index of current pano.
- Get the index of the new pao.
- if there is a saved entry in the in savedCamPR, use that to restore the camera.
If you have trouble figuring it out, let us know, and I can probably make an online example that saves and restored camera positions for multiple panos.