You can access file or image resources using the NotesNoteCollection class. However, since Notes stores the attached files or images in its own, internal format, it is not easy -- if at all possible -- to access those attachments using pure LotusScript.
A workaround that I found useful is to attach the file to an Applet resource, where it can be accessed using pure LotusScript; see sample code below.
Dim sn As New NotesSession()
Dim db as NotesDatabase
Dim nc As NotesNoteCollection
Dim designNote As NotesDocument
Dim eo As NotesEmbeddedObject
Dim noteID$, myFileName$
myFileName = "foobar.txt"
Set db = sn.CurrentDatabase
Set nc = db.CreateNoteCollection(False)
nc.SelectJavaResources = True 'select all Applet resources
nc.SelectionFormula = {$TITLE="} + myFileName + {"} 'assuming the Applet resource has the same name as the file
Call nc.BuildCollection()
noteID = nc.GetFirstNoteID()
Do Until Len(noteID) = 0
Set designNote = db.GetDocumentByID(noteID)
Set eo = designNote.GetAttachment(myFileName)
If Not (eo Is Nothing) Then
'----- your code goes here -----
Exit Do
End If
noteID = nc.GetNextNoteID(noteID)
I'm making two assumptions here:
- The name of the file you want to access is known ("foobar.txt" in the sample code). This is necessary, since otherwise you won't be able to access the attachment.
- The Applet resource has the same name as the attached file. Not necessary, but convenient for being able to filter the NotesNoteCollection by the very name of the attached file.