
I'm creating Tab bar using xamarin forms shell. I never add the flyout, but, I've no idea why the hamburger menu appear on the top navigation bar. how can i disappear it and it should show the tab bar title on the top navigation bar.

enter image description here enter image description here

I did add this: FlyoutBehavior="Disabled" but, it's doesn't work.

    <TabBar >
        <Tab Title="Home" Icon="home.png" >
            <ShellContent ContentTemplate="{DataTemplate views:Home}"/>

        <Tab Title="CashBack" Icon="cashback.png">
            <ShellContent ContentTemplate="{DataTemplate views:Cashback}"/>

        <Tab Title="My Point" Icon="mypoint.png">
            <ShellContent Title="My Point"  ContentTemplate="{DataTemplate views:MyPoint}"/>
            <ShellContent Title="History" ContentTemplate="{DataTemplate point:PointHistory}"/>

        <Tab Title="Me" Icon="me.png">
            <ShellContent ContentTemplate="{DataTemplate views:Me}"/>
Seems like, it's not related to Flyout. You can try to disable the navigation bar using NavigationPage.SetHasNavigationBar(this, false); Also look at this threadPavel Anikhouski
NO, I need the navigation bar to be appear. I really have no idea why this hamburger appear on the navigation bar.VV Voon
Are you using master-detail page inside tab bar somewhere? Or maybe have a popup menu?Pavel Anikhouski
no, i did not, my project was created from blank. I just uploaded one image, you can have a view. it really look like flyout (since i'm using shell)VV Voon

1 Answers


I can reproduce your issue at Xamarin.Forms 4.2 version, I have report this bug for Microsoft team.

Now there are two ways to resolve this issue.

  1. You can use Xamarin.Forms version 4.1, then it works fine.

  2. You can use Xamarin.Forms version 3.6, then following the steps:

Please take a look RouteHost="companyname.com"(package name) RouteScheme="app" Route="shellsample"(solution name)

    <ShellSection Title="Browse" Icon="tab_feed.png">
        <ShellContent ContentTemplate="{DataTemplate local:ItemsPage}" />
    <ShellSection Title="About" Icon="tab_about.png">
        <ShellContent ContentTemplate="{DataTemplate local:AboutPage}" />


enter image description here
