I have an NgRX state:
import { Item } from './item';
export interface FeatureAState {
items: Item[];
And an action ('[featureA] Add Item'
) that will add an Item object to an array of Items on my store. I'd like to update this collection via a background effect after each item is added.
export const addItem = createAction(
'[featureA] Add Item',
(item: Item = { id: 3, title: 'Duff McKagen' }) => ({ item })
I have created an effect to trigger after the reducer has added the item:
updateItems$ = createEffect(() => this.actions$.pipe(
ofType('[featureA] Add Item'),
concatMap(() => this.myService.doSomeWork()
map(updatedItems => ({ type: '[featureA] Updated', payload: updatedItems }))
From my understanding this requires myService.doSomeWork()
to return an Observable? For now I have hard-coded the return to be an Observable created from a new array, so I'm expecting the store items to change to this new array once the effect is finished and the '[featureA] Updated'
action is handled by the reducer.
export class MyserviceService {
doSomeWork() {
return of([{ id: 6, title: 'Peter Parker' }]);
So I now need an action to handle the effect results and update the store? But I don't know how to write the Action or Reducer for this.
export const updatedItems = createAction(
'[featureA] Updated',
props<{ items: Item[] }>()
// Also tried...
export const updatedItems = createAction(
'[featureA] Updated',
(items: Item[]) => ({ items }) // don't understand what I'm doing here, but I guess this action needs to pass through the output of `myService.doSomeWork()` (an Observable mapped to an Action via concatMap()?) for the Reducer to handle?
on(updatedItems, (state, { updatedItems }) => ({
items: updatedItems // I suspect this is not correct, or the 'updatedItems' action is not passing through the correct object
The error I seem to be getting is `ERROR in src/app/featureA/state/featureA.reducer.ts(11,32): error TS2339: Property 'updatedItems' does not exist on type '{ items: Item[]; } & TypedAction<"[featureA] Updated"> & { type: "[featureA] Updated"; }'.`