I have a list of vertices that define a polygon, a list of perimeter edges that connect those vertices and define the outline of the polygon, and a list of inner edges connecting vertices, effectively splitting the polygon. None of the edges intersect each other (they only meet at the start and end points).
I want to partition the bigger polygon into its smaller components by splitting it at the inner edges. Basically I need to know which sets of vertices are part of a polygon that has no intersecting edges.
Basically, this is the information I have:
The vertices [0, 1, 3, 5, 7, 9, 11, 13, 15] define the outside perimeter of my polygon and the blue edge (5, 13) is an inner edge splitting that perimeter into two polygons. (Disregard the horizontal purple lines, they are the result of the trapezoidalization of the polygon to find the edge (5, 13). They have no further meaning)
This is what I want to get to:
One polygon is defined by the vertices [0, 1, 3, 5, 13, 15] and the other is defined by [5, 7, 9, 11, 13].
I need a solution that works for any number of splitting inner edges. In the end, I would like to be able to partition a polygon like the following:
The sub-polygons are not necessarily convex. That might be of importance for any algorithm depending on it. The red sub-polygon has a concave vertex (13) for example.
My idea initially was to traverse the inside of each sub-polygon in a clockwise or counter-clockwise direction, keeping track of the vertices I encounter and their order. However I am having trouble finding a starting edge/vertex and guaranteeing that the next cw or ccw point is in fact on the inside of that sub-polygon I want to extract.
I tried to google for solutions but this is a field of mathematics I am too unfamiliar with to know what to search for. An idea/algorithm of how to tackle this problem would be much appreciated! (I don't need any actual code, just an explanation of how to do this or pseudocode would totally suffice)
Now, unfortunately I don't have some code to show as I need a concept to try out first. I don't know how to tackle this problem and thus can't code anything that could accomplish what I need it to do.
This is just one step in what I am trying to do ultimately, which is polygon triangulation. I have read numerous solutions to that problem and wanted to implement it via trapezoidalization to get monotone polygons and ultimately triangulate those. This is basically the last step of (or I guess the next step after) the trapezoidalization, which is never explained in any resources on the topic that i could find.
The end result of the trapezoidalization are the inner edges which define the split into (in my case vertically monotone) polygons. I just need to split the polygons along those edges "datastructurally" so I can work on the subpolygons individually. I hope that helps to clarify things.