I'm using a Kalman filter to track the position of a vehicle and for my measurement, I have a GPX file (WGS84 Format) containing information about the latitude, longitude, elevation and the timestamp of each point given by GPS. Using this data, I computed the distance between GPS points (Using Geodesic distance and Vincenty formula) and, since the timestamp information is known, the time difference between the points can be used to calculate the time delta. Since, we now have the distance and the time delta between the points, we can calculate the velocity (= distance between points/time delta) which could then be also used as a measurement input to the Kalman.
However, I have read that this is only the average velocity and not the instantaneous velocity at any given point. In order to obtain the instantaneous velocity, it is suggested that one must take the running average and some implementations directly compute the velocity considering the difference in time between the current time at the point with the first initial point. I'm a bit confused as to which method I need to use to implement this in python.
Firstly, is this method used in my implementation correct to calculate velocity? (I also read about doppler shifts that can be used but sadly, I only collect the GPS data through a running app (Strava) on my iPhone)
How can the instantaneous velocity at every GPS point be calculated from my implementation?( Is the bearing information also necessary?)
What would be the error from this computed velocity? (Since the error in position itself from an iPhone can be about 10 metres, error from distance measurement about 1mm and considering that I want the focus to be on as much accuracy as possible)
Current Implementation
import gpxpy
import pandas as pd
import numpy as np
from geopy.distance import vincenty, geodesic
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
"Import GPS Data"
with open('my_run_001.gpx') as fh:
gpx_file = gpxpy.parse(fh)
segment = gpx_file.tracks[0].segments[0]
coords = pd.DataFrame([
{'lat': p.latitude,
'lon': p.longitude,
'ele': p.elevation,
} for p in segment.points])
"Compute delta between timestamps"
times = pd.Series([p.time for p in segment.points], name='time')
dt = np.diff(times.values) / np.timedelta64(1, 's')
"Find distance between points using Vincenty and Geodesic methods"
vx = []
for i in range(len(coords.lat)-1):
vincenty_distance = vincenty([coords.lat[i], coords.lon[i]],[coords.lat[i+1], coords.lon[i+1]]).meters
vy = []
for i in range(len(coords.lat)-1):
geodesic_distance = geodesic([coords.lat[i], coords.lon[i]],[coords.lat[i+1], coords.lon[i+1]]).meters
"Compute and plot velocity"
velocity = vx/dt
time = [i for i in range(len(dt))]
plt.title('Plot of Velocity vs Time')
Reference for GPX Data: https://github.com/stevenvandorpe/testdata/blob/master/gps_coordinates/gpx/my_run_001.gpx